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Deep Faith | Deep Relationship | Meaningful Service
Where you are always welcome.

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You Matter


CPC has been a part of the Collierville community for over 150 years, and we’re convinced God continues to be at work in and through God’s little part of the Body of Christ here at 202 W Poplar.  We're not just a church but a family full of faith, love and peace.   Come join us and meet the family!

Meaningful Service



In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.  ~ Matthew 5:16 (NSRV)

CPC is a small church with a big heart and open arms.  We strive to extend God's love by not only serving others in the community but also by providing a welcoming home for community

groups to meet.  

For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. ~ 1 Corinthians 12:12 (NSRV)

CPC values fellowship and promotes togetherness throughout the year. We encourage our members and friends to join in one or many of our fellowship opportunities.

Let us go to his dwelling place: let us worship at his footstool.

~ Psalm 132:7 (NSRV) 

Worship is the center of everything we do at CPC.  Our Sunday services focus our hearts and minds on the gifts God has granted to us as individual followers of Jesus Christ and as a congregation. 

©2024    Collierville Presbyterian Church | 202 W. Poplar Ave | Collierville, TN  38017

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